October happenings....

I have finally made myself to get into blogging again.... our computer is old and even with the fast internet access it is sooooo slow that i was afraid that i was not able to upload pictures to the blog, but right now it has worked pretty good....
lots of stuff has been going on at our house since we have come back from Hungary. I will start with Drew's birthday in October....
I will try to post some pictures from our trip here and there ( i have tons of pictures and going through them is just time consuming but i will get the highlights on the blog)

happy kids and a happy dad

at the Lovingoods barbecue party
Andrew is showing off his roasted marshmallow.

in the process of roasting!:)

Abby sat for about 5 minutes to eat some dinner and then she was back at the play set....

Andrew with the wheel barrel

the party from my view point....that is the closest that i got to most people most of the time we where there.... had to watch my kiddos who where extra hyper and climbing on everything...

we've got a new "milkman"

all belly....

pooling on the cats tail, she (the cat) is very patient....so far.

checking out the train inside of West Town mall.

Sunday night pumpkin carving in the garage....

father and son spent some good quality time together!:)

proudly showing it off!
