Bryson's Birthday party and picture with Santa...

Our first weekend in December was a very busy one. Andrew was invited to a birthday party and then we went to Franklin Square for a carriage ride, picture with Santa, and getting a balloon form the balloon man at Smart Toys and Books.
Before we left it was time to try on the hats that nagymama got the kids in Budapest before we left in September. The hats fit just right!:))))

Andrew is excited to get going!:)

The birthday party was at Chuck E Cheese. The place was packed!!!!!

The birthday party table...

Checking out the ticket booth...

Meeting Chuck E. Cheese

Trying to get as many tickets as possible.

Cupcake time.

Bryson the birthday boy.

Valerie having a great time!:)

Waiting for the carriage ride with Aidan.

Andrew and Aidan.

Dale and myself....

Choir singing Christmas carols.

We caught up with Santa in a store (he was trying to stay warm).
