December fun in the kitchen.

All through December (especially before Christmas) we spent a lot of time in the kitchen baking up a storm!:)
Andrew enjoyed making all kinds of cookies for his friends and teachers!

Abby helped sometime too!:)

Boxing up the mint chocolate chip cookies.

All ready to be given away.

Love that sweet boy!

Then we made some gingerbread cookies!:)

My little chief!

After the cookies were baked we started to decorate!

Ready to go in the bags

That tree is really blue!:)

They were as delicious as they looked!:)

In the bag they went.

One night we had our sweet neighbor lady come over and have dinner with us. She also got some presents for the kids!:)

Andrew got this cool camouflage sweatshirt.

Abby got a baby doll with a backpack, bottle, and a change of clothes. Thank you Ms. Joyce!:)))))

I baked some tea cakes for friends.

Then apu and Andrew worked on the gingerbread house.... it took a while to make but it was fun!

It was a good father and son project.

ta da!

It needed more icing (snow).

I boiled some chestnuts which were delicious!

The house with the snow on it!:)
