Thanksgiving 2010.

This year we got to spend Thanksgiving in Cleveland (like we always do) with grandma and grandpa Bennett. It was just us for lunch and then later Aunt Doris came with her family for dessert.
On the Tuesday before the kids and i made a trip to Chattanooga to grandma's store... the kids sat peacefully for a while and colored but then soon that was over and the real fun begun (for me that is) to chase around for Abigail.

I got Abby's hair in two little pony tails and i tried to take some pictures of it (ended up with a lot of pictures) hope you can see her little hair. it looked cute!:))))

Andrew was ready to go and have some yummy lunch!

one more picture of her hair!:)

at lunch time in Cleveland.

Abby and mommy, sadly the pony tails did not last the trip....

the food....

the desserts...

Abby trying out the bike while Andrew was taking a nap....

ladies at the table

Andrew eating his to hold up that head!:))))

the men in the living room.
Granpda's birthday was on Thanksgiving day also so we got to celebrate and give some gift to grandpa!:)))
