Sunday after Christmas in Cleveland, and friends visiting...

Sunday after Christmas we went to spend some more time with cousins and family. On the way down we stopped to get some doughnuts. Andrew got a nice green iced doughnut and Abby got a red iced doughnut. I don't know what was i thinking giving her a doughnut with icing. Pretty soon she had everything red with icing!:)))

In grandma and grandpa's garage just before going in...

boys playing with their new toys

father and daughter special time at the window

Abby loved playing with the sheers

The following Wednesday Todd and Kori came up with the kids for a visit. The adults got to go out to a lunch and a movie and the kids had a good time at home playing with each other with the help of a babysitter

after the movie we came home to have dinner with our guests

boys at the dinner table

at the big dinner table!:)

in the new year we had Drew's friend from Cleveland come and visit us with their twin daughters Kristen and Katie.

they got some presents for the kids

and we got them some too!:)
