Abby's 2nd birthday party!

So this post is a little tooooo long.... but i had a lot of pictures that did not make it on the post!:)
Two weeks ago we celebrated Abby's second birthday!:))))
This year the weather was wonderful (even a little warm!) compared to last year when we had to reschedule the party because of the ice and snow.
Winter.... the weather is soooo unpredictable.....

Here is Abby's cute little kitty cake

I could not decide about Abby's birthday theme but when our cat died two weeks before the party i knew for sure what the theme was going to be for the party! Especially since she loved Gracie and cats in general!

Just before guests arrived

No nap that day, party because of this....

daddy did ALL the sandwiches for the party, and made punch, too!:) This little girl is blessed to have such an involved daddy (apu)!:)

Before eating the kids played some upstairs in the playroom.

Pimento cheese sandwiches, ham sandwiches, and chicken salad sandwiches, with chips, fruit, and veggies.....yummmm

Singing "Happy birthday"....

opening some gifts

little people


Nikki with Crissie Grace, and Mia

Andrew with Ms Joyce and Aunt Doris.

giving grandpa goodbye kiss

we all love that no spill bubble kit


Jimmy and Doris

our sweet neighbor with the kids

runaway child

perfect timing for a sneeze

Abby was ready to leave us

after the no nap, opening some more gifts from us

it has been a busy day!:)
