Marriage retreat and Kingsport TN.

A couple of weeks ago we went to a marriage retreat with our SS class in the Smokies. The kids got to spend some time with Aunt Dana and Uncle Mikel in Kingsport. This time it was a special time because aunt Dana has a little grand daughter of her own! We all finally got to see Crissie Grace for the first time too!:)
Thank you Dana, Mikel, David, Todd and Nikki for watching and playing with the kids while we took sometime for ourselves!:)
Here is aunt Dana, Crissie Grace and Abigail.

on the big chair!

dinner time at Dana's

orzeti is really good!:)

hanging out on the bed with aunt Dana.

Crissie Grace with her daddy.

uncle Mikel and Abigail.

Andrew eating his ice cream.
