Grandma Nancy's birthday party.

Two weeks ago we celebrated grandma Nancy's birthday down in Cleveland. It was fun to see the family again! oh and the kids had a great time playing together. Abby is really getting into this birthday thing!:)
Here is the cake from Magpies! ymmmmm!

the birthday lady

fresh fruit, you can never go wrong with this!

Dana made some great chicken salad sandwiches!

birthday banner

Drew made some vegetable soup, and potato soup. They were both delicious..

another angle of THE CAKE!:)

Kori made this wonderful shrimp dip!:)

i played around with the Italian bread before baking it!:)


lunch time for the kids

Abby loved the punch! Drew made it using grandma's recipe!:)

grandma and grandpa Bennett

singing Happy Birthday song!
