Trip to Nashville.

A couple of weekends ago we went to visit Todd, Kori and the cousins in Nashville. It was a nice visit that Andrew still talks about!: ))) Kori and I got to go out and have a "girls day" where we got to window shop, get some coffee, and get some groceries for dinner that night.

Andrew playing in Parker and Walker's room.

The weather was spring like so the kids got to play outside on the playground

Nap time after lunch

Andrew in Sidney's room

Drew got a cat nap too!:)

Todd and Drew...

dinner time for the kids, then later for the adults

dessert was served outside by the fire pit, roasted marshmallows! YUMMMMMMM!

they were soo cute siting there by the fire!

bedtime, sleeping on the floor in Sidney's room. Andrew had a blast!:)

on the way home from church Sunday morning. It started to rain:(((

Sunday night after we got to see cousin Todd sing in our church here in Knoxville we got to eat a quick dinner our favorite food!:)
Best of all I did not have to cook, and clean up!:)
