Sleepover, splashpad, and ice-cream store.

Well it seems like i am always a couple of week behind in posting on the blog. It was a couple of weeks ago or maybe even three weeks ago that Andrew's friend was in town from Memphis and he came over for a sleepover. A first for Andrew!:) They had a great time and did not go to sleep until very late (i got home around 10ish and they were still up giggling and telling funny stories to each other) They were cute -for a while-until mom and dad wanted to go to bed and they were still up!:)
so finally around 11ish they went to sleep too. Dylan was the first one to go to sleep and then finally Andrew got calmed down enough to go to sleep.

They both slept in Andrew's "secret room"!:)

the next morning we all went to the splash pad and got wet!

brand new playground, did not impress me at all....

Abby had to try out the swing which was not the safest since the playground did NOT have baby swings. go figure it was probably a man that planned out the whole playground. should have asked a mom how to make it a better/best playground...but we are not that important in these kind of decisions since we/the kids will be there to use it!:(((

little Devon had a great time too

Aidan made it to the splash pad!

lunch in the covered pavilion... it was nice BUT it was way too far away from the splash pad and since Abby wanted to play instead of eat i had to be out there with her and not we the rest of the party

after lunch we went to the ice-cream store where you can choose your flavor, and then the toppings that will go on it. it is fun but it can get overwhelming too

finally got a decent picture of the boys

girls and the little boy
