West Point trip in May.

May 13th or 12th Drew and Andrew got to go on a trip with grandma, grandpa, Dana and Mikel up to West Point. Grandpa Bennett went to school there and he had his 50th reunion this year. The boys were very much missed at home (especially since Abby and I got sick the next week!:)
Here are a couple (lot) of pictures from their trip!:)

ready to go


with Uncle Mikel!:)

playing angry birds on the ipad


On Sunday the whole crew got to ride on the boat from New York city on the Hudson River.

another boat going by

Andrew is jammin'

with Aunt Dana

to get on the post everybody had to ride the bus. Here is Andrew and Dana waiting to get going

grandma Bennett

on the post (West Point)

in the Mess Hall (where they feed 4,000 cadets all at the same time, three times a day!:)
pretty impressive if you ask me...

one of the tables

a typical classroom

the superintendent's house (it is a very old house)

the Hudson River

playing in the pool one evening (at the hotel)

Andrew working on getting every ounce of juice out of that lemon!:)
