4th of July weekend!

Lots and lots of pictures in this post. We did a ton of stuff during the weekend, and we were busy into the week after the 4th of July. I am trying to catch up.... a lot of pictures are piling up from summer and especially from this last month of July.

Friday night we went to see the fireworks. Abby was sacred of the loud pop that it was making so her and apu stayed back at the car, me and Andrew got closer to the show!:)

Saturday we went to Kentucky splash, and everybody had a blast! Abby especially loved the kiddo pool where she could walk around, go down the slide without any help!:)

stopped for a minute to get a picture with daddy

had to hold her down to get a picture with her...

daddy went on that big slide

Andrew loved the lazy river tubing

the big splash at the kid pool

late in the evening still not really ready to leave!:)

Andrew and the icee....
