Working with beads....

After my brother left with his family I got to actually go out on a "All Girls Weekend Trip" to ATLANTA!!!!
Dale (my good friend) and I took off on Friday night and came back late Saturday night. It was sooo weird not to have to worry about the kids but just myself! I had plenty of time where i could just chill out and not have to constantly make sure that everybody had everything they needed! It was a fun trip and will try to do it again soon!:)))
After our trip to Ikea i brought back some beads that Andrew took great pleasure in making a "bead Lighting McQueen"!:)

Abby with her best buddy! her sippy cup!:)))

it was late at night but he was sooo excited i could not say no....

proud boy with his artwork

we made a little heart for Abby the next day and watched with fascination how the little beads all melted together under the iron

Love you!
