Andrew's first day of Kindergarten and Abby going to MDO.

August 17, 2011 was Andrew's first day of Kindergarten. Abby has been going to MDO for a week and a half before Andrew started, so he was really ready for school.
It took us about a week to get used to the new schedule (getting up at 7am).
Daddy takes him to school in the morning and he get off at 3pm.
It makes it a long day but so far Andrew does not seem to mind it at all. Sometimes it is hard to get him up in the morning but after he gets going he is good to go!:))))

Looking cool and trying not to look to excited:))))

early in the morning he is off to school

him and his class wait in the cafeteria for their teacher to arrive and take them to class

in the classroom at his seat, all ready for the work of learning how to read!:)

Abby's turn to go to MDO

she had to have the band aid box before we could leave

After daddy got home from Cleveland he got Andrew on his lap and asked him how was school. Andrew looked at him and told him in a disappointed voice that he did not learn how to read!:)))))
