Another day at MDO, and fun at home.

Abby's MDO started before Andrew's school so for a couple of days Andrew and I got to drop off Abby at school and Andrew got to come home with me. It was different to leave Abby and have Andrew with me the rest of the day.
He was sooo ready for his school to start so i tried to give him some extra attention while we were together .....
Abby loves to go to MDO and she knows exactly whats going on since we have been dropping Andrew off at MOD since she can remember!:))))

mom i am ready to go

are you coming????or still taking a picture...

Abby and her teacher Ms. Patti

after Abby was in her classroom we got to visit with Andrew's former MDO teacher Ms. Adelia. Andrew loved having her as his teacher. He talks about her every now and then...

i tried desperately to find something for them to do while i was cooking dinner so i brought out the paint.
both set at the table and painted for a loooooon time!:)

after apu came home we went outside to play, ride the bike, visit with Bella and go by the pond

Abby and Bella

after being outside both had an nice bath!:)
