Last days before school starts for Andrew....

We had one last play date with a new friend Will from Oak Ridge. He came over on a Tuesday morning and had some great fun with Abby and Andrew.

lunch time

in the afternoon we went back to Cleveland to visit with Uncle Oscar at the funeral home. Aunt Doris passed away on Sunday evening, the funeral was going to be on Wednesday morning (Andrew's first day of school)
We (me and the kids) came back on Tuesday night to be ready for school in the morning (after my deliberation we decided that it was important to be at first day of school for Andrew....)

Here Abby got hungry at the funeral home and for my big surprise she started to eat a sandwich that was in the break room.... i could not eat at a funeral home (that is just me)

Andrew helped grandpa with his wheel chair...

at home before the big day, cooling off in front of the fan

Abby has Andrew's rain boots on!:)
