Playdate with daddy, a picture of the swim instructor for Andrew..

Whoo-hoo!!!! I am catching up on the blog. I am posting things that have happened in September and it is still September!:))))
Here are a couple of random pictures from the weekend before Labor Day 2011 and Labor Day weekend.

Just before going to church on Sunday morning.

Eating a "neighborhood" lunch/dinner with our neighbors the Leach family, Ms. Buse and Ms. Carolyn (not pictured)

me painting Abby's fingernails one Saturday morning

Andrew and Lindsey (the swim instructor/lifeguard) at our swimming pool. Andrew took some swim classes this past summer and she was the one that gave him special attention!:)

Dylan and his family were in town Labor Day weekend, so the boys got to play and spend a night together again in Andrew's secret room!:)

Drew and the kids went to visit with uncle Oscar and with grandma and grandpa Bennett in Cleveland on Monday.

Abby's new hairdo!

playing, and coloring... that is what we were all doing in the playroom. It was nice to spend some time as a family and just hang out one evening!

Drew and Andrew played the memory game..

Andrew won by this much!
