Andrew's 6 year old birthday party!

November 5th Andrew had his 6th birthday party at the house with friends and family.
He had a superhero party!
When he grows up he will be superhero!!!!
Here is his cake that was very ymmmy!

The night before posing in his fireman outfit with the cake!

all set up and ready to party!

Andrew helping with getting out the dishes from the dishwasher ON HIS BIRTHDAY!
He is a great helping boy!!!!

guests are starting to arrive to the party

Ms. Joyce and grandpa Bennett

my friend Dale and Abby

the kids eating their panini sandwiches and chips!

still eating...

playing a couple of games before eating the cake and ice-cream and opening presents

Andrew, Maddie, Aidan

making a superhero cape as a party gift to take home!

ready for the cake!


make a wish!

grandma Bennett

cake and ice-cream

opening presents

with cousins that came after the party .....

we had a marshmallow roasting in our backyard with the extended family and friends

superhero Andrew!

superhero Parker
