January birthdays, and parties....

January is a very busy month as far as birthday's go. My birthday and Abby's birthday is this month and it turns out that Andrew and Abby's friends have some January birthday's too!
Drew and I got to eat lunch at Red Robin where i got a free burger in honor of my birthday!:) It was pretty cool and it definitely made me feel special!:)

While waiting for the food we played around with the camera taking close up pictures....

my homeless looking man!:)

The Saturday Andrew was invited to a birthday party (Maddie's party) in the morning and Abby was invited to another birthday party in the afternoon!
Daddy took Andrew to the children's museum in Oak Ridge (that is where the party was held)
We have been there a couple of times when Andrew was little but i am sure that it was all like new to him to play there...

the building was built originally for an elementary school....
back in the old times

and now is a museum

I think Andrew was the only boy at the party:) but i still think that he enjoyed himself!:)

opening presents, kind of hard to take a good picture when everybody is facing the wall

In the afternoon we went to Smart Toys and Books where the princess party was held for Lily.
Everyone was putting on the Cinderella dress...

proof that i was there too!:)

Lily is the little girl with the pink hair bow.
she had on a pretty pink dress!:)

there were a couple of knight there too!:)

eating the cake and the ice cream with Caroline.

showing off the magic wands that they have made as a craft to take home

getting their face painted and their nails too!:)

And here is my birthday day.
WE did not really have a party just got to get away from the kids and enjoy some good food and a great movie!:)
It was a fun and relaxing day!

talking to my parents on the phone (more like listening to them sing Boldog Szuletesnapot!)

ready to blow out the candles

will my wish come true????

it was a ymmmmy cake thanks to Magpies Cakes!:)

trying on a new princess outfit that we just got from a friend...
