Valentines day 2012.

I am about a month behind again.... will catch up soon, until then enjoy some pictures from our Valentine's day...
We (me and the kids) made some v-day presents for the teachers. Some s'mores with a little note "Every day i like you s'more!":)))

It turned out really cute!

Abby had a party at MDO for lunch they had some yummy stuff and she brought home with her a big bag of candy and valentine notes...

After a picked her up we headed to Andrew's classroom where there was a big party too!:) I want to go back to school just to be able to have some parties:)

she just loves to hang out at his school

Keller and Andrew

reading a book

"working" on the computer

we made some treats for Ms. Joyce too and took it over to her house in the afternoon.

working through all the candy and cards...

Ms. Joyce had some treats for them too! Now we are set for the rest of the year with candy, or at least till Halloween!:)
