Valentines day dinner.

Since Drew's dad has been soo sick and in the hospital Drew missed Valentines day with us last week (in February). So instead of going out to a restaurant we decided to just have a nice meal at home. I started with the asparagus and Abby was ready to help me with it! She will be of great help when she gets older!:)))) I can hardly wait!

baked some sweet potatoes in the oven, Drew steamed some broccoli and grilled steak on the pannini grill. We are not much of a steak eaters but for this dinner we decided to have some...

kids were ready to eat!

with daddy

with mommy

the best part was dessert! we dipped some strawberries in melted white and dark chocolate! The kids enjoyed the process and did not need too much encouragement to eat!:)

mmmm it was good!

some of the decorations for the special day
