Easter egg hunt at the Harty's.

Saturday before Easter we had one last get together with families from our church. The kids had a little art time and then went off hunting for eggs... then we had pizza and desserts!:)
Everybody had fun and a very full day:))

Abby's group was the first group that went to find eggs...

then came Andrew's group....

posing just long enough for a picture

part of the group

eating time.... Drew started with the bunnies:)))

they all loved the bunnies:)

another masterpieces for desert:)


visiting with friends

Abby got some help with the bubbles....

they both had a great time:)
i love this picture, it captured their personality:)

i will eat whatever is in this egg!

do you want one?!?!?

they both sat in those chairs for the longest time and just kept opening eggs and eating the candy!

time to run off all that sugar
