Grandma's70th birthday.

March 5th was Grandma Nancy's 70th birthday. We all went down to Cleveland to celebrate. It was a little different because grandpa was still in the nursing home and he was sorely missed from the festivities. We did the party in the patriotic theme (that is one of grandma's favorite)

I made a little topiary for the party and Drew helped with the cake pops!

my busy little decorators!

the wonderfully yummy cake!

grandma and some of the grand kids.
Dana and her family were not able to make it because of the big storms that were forecasted for that day and the day before.

some of the decorations around the house

Andrew loved the cake pops he ate at least three:)

getting the candles in the cake (all 70 of them:)))

did not set the fire alarm off:)

