Weekend trip to Nashville.

This past weekend we went to Nashville and spent some time with Kori and the kids (Todd was in Cleveland with his parents)
Andrew was sooo excited to see his cousins and play with them:)))) We got in traffic really bad on the way there and he just kept asking if we are there yet:)))))
As soon as we got there they got out all the toys from the garage and started playing in the yard and on the driveway!:)
Sidney, Grayson, Andrew and Abby

there they go!

Abby loved all the attention she got from her older cousin!

my sweet Andrew with the beautiful dogwood trees in the background!

she loved riding the little tricycle (we have one at home just like that one)

everywhere you looked there were dogwood trees blooming! it was so pretty!

Andrew found this bike to ride....

having a lot of fun!

Drew and I got to go to a meeting (while aunt Kori watched the kids for us). She was a brave woman to stay home with six kids!:))))

Sunday morning headed back home could not resist to stop and get some coffee

Andrew loves to drink the "naked juice" and he always asks me how many fruits are in the drink:)))

daddy and the kids

on the way home we got into more traffic (i thought that we were never going to get home) and had us a happy meal and played around with Andrew's toy... (green lantern mask)

ready to be home
