Mother's day 2012.

On mother's days Sunday we worked in the church nursery in Abigail's room. It was so cute to watch the little ones and interact with them!:)

Caroline trying on my bracelet.

Caroline and Abby are good friends!

 Drew reading a book to the kids

while Abby just wanted to color

with my big boy and my little girl in the church parking lot

visiting Ms. Joyce for mother's day

dinner with the family at New's Cafe

then ice-cream at Menchie's....

this is Abby's cup, and yes there is ice-cream in there somewhere

boys had to have their share....
It was a wonderful mother's day spent with family! Even though the weather was cool and rainy my heart filled with sunshine seeing my kids so happy and healthy, and let's not forget about hubby who was really sweet too!:)
Thank you Drew, Andrew, and Abigail for making my mother's day so special!:)))
