Random pics of Abby and some of Andrew.

Here are some pictures of little Abby dressed up... she loves to dress up and act like a little princess! loves her tutu and everything pink!


got some little angel wings on too!

Andrew had his face painted by daddy at Abigail's MDO end of school year party. It was a very hot day and Andrew had a little fever after we got home that day. He was ready to go to bed after this picture....

Abby had her face painted too by her daddy!  She was worn out too, since we had kind of a rough week before (she was sick with a stomach bug) i was so glad that Drew was home again to help with the kids and have a little break....

Playing around after school, not wanting to go to take a nap... as usual!

 say cheese!

Abby loves her strawberry outfits! She loves everything Strawberry Shortcake, I guess i know what kind of birthday we will have next year!:))))

taking a picture of me while i am taking a picture of her :)

My little strawberry girl!
