Strawberry picking with the kids!

The Saturday before last we went out strawberry picking! It was a first for all of us! Abby loved, loved picking the strawberries! She could have just pick strawberries all day. The next morning she woke up asking to go strawberry picking again:) sweet, sweet girl AND boy!

Look at who else we found picking strawberries?!?!?:)

mom lets go already!

where are the strawberries?!?

look mom i already got some in the bucket!

strawberry picking party

rows of strawberries

daddy stayed home, he was sick and in bed, but we had a blast.... maybe next time he can come with us!?!?

Aidan and Andrew

there is nothing like a fresh strawberry!


I guess Aidan was tired of pictures!:)

walking the rows

she gets dirty in no time, but she is still cute!

at home we made some strawberry smoothie!

it was delicious!
