Our trip to Budapest, Hungary 2012.

We started out our trip in the Knoxville airport. My friend Dale brought us with her car so we did not have to pay for parking (Thank you Dale!).
The kids were excited to see the planes up close and to ride in one soon!

But before the ride we had to have our cream from Starbucks (this time it was chocolate cream!!)

Arrived at the Detroit, Michigan airport! much much smaller than the Atlanta airport!!! and it still had the cool train to ride!

Dinner at Chili's for the adults, Andrew and Abby got a happy meal which made them very happy!!!

intense sun...

our big plane in the background! it was around 10ish and the kids were still up...

watching a movie just before boarding the plane

the red train that we rode back and forth

arrived "across the pond" and in Amsterdam...

could not resist a picture with the tulips in the background!

waiting for our next flight to Budapest, Hungary..

kids killing time...


Maria Smith said…
Hiya! Just getting geared up for Romania! I am so looking forward to it but I know am gona MELT!!! Literally I will be melting....need summer clothes!:)))
I am getting more hopeful looking at your photos...if you were able to do it ...I hope I can do it. Mx
Maria Smith said…
Hiya! Just getting geared up for Romania! I am so looking forward to it but I know am gona MELT!!! Literally I will be melting....need summer clothes!:)))
I am getting more hopeful looking at your photos...if you were able to do it ...I hope I can do it. Mx