August 4, weekend...2012

This is how we felt by the end of the weekend!!! 
August 4th was a very busy weekend... for the Bennett family!

Friday night we went down to a family dinner that with grandpa and grandma Bennett and the extended Bennett family.

the kids had a good time running around and not eating much...

grandpa and grandma Bennett

later that night cousin Grayson, Sidney, Parker and Walker got to the house. that is when the real fun started for the kids :)

the boys room
We let Andrew stay for the night with the boys since we were going back to Cleveland the next day. He had a blast and of course he was very tired by the end of the next day.... which is not a very fun experience... Andrew gets really grouchy when he is tired.

the girls room

saying bye to uncle Todd

this was the actual Bennett family reunion day at the church gym. the kids were off the wall and the noise level was way up!!!

Abby fought for every ride that she wanted to get on by screaming and pitching a fit.... soon everybody was running from her if they saw her coming...

Dana asked us to watch Crissie Grace (her granddaughter) while she ran out to get something from the house.
it has proved to be really hard to keep up with three kids... especially her since there were many times that i was running around in  panic looking for her.... she is a sneaky little thing:)

Dana and Crissie Grace

got to eat some too!

Drew and one of many cousins, Jill

the rest of the extended family

immediate family

kids, teenage corner

tow of Drew's aunts

getting some more energy off

she loved playing with the girls

good times...
