First day of 1st grade!!!

Andrew started school August 8 (Wednesday) but first we had to go and register the Monday before...
we also got to meet his new teacher Mrs. Burchfield...

and Ms. Bays, she will be the substitute teacher for Mrs. Burchfield when she goes on maternity leave :)

his new desk with his name on it :)

Abby, as always, felt right at home in his classroom and asked for some paper and markers to color with :)

on the rocking chair

Wednesday morning ready to go to school

I went with him the first three days just to make sure that he was in the right place when his teacher came to get him for class

special treat, a doughnut!!!

love that cheesy smile!

ready for learning

with old friend Savannah (she is in a different classroom this year)

Dear Ms. Joyce my sweet neighbor! without her i would have not been able to take Andrew to school in the morning ( she stayed with Abby while i was at school with Andrew)
well i would have been able to take him to school but it would not have been that relaxing or fun day after getting Abby up so early :(
